Monday, May 6, 2013


My blog is sporadic and very limited with information, and for that I apologize.

Last weekend i went to Sevilla to spend time with my exchange friend Annamarie. I already had been to Sevilla once before with my host family, but because we were there for Christmas, I wasn't able to see that much. Sevilla is the 4th largest city in Spain, and there are many wonderful things to see. It is a really beautiful city, and probably one of my favorite in Spain! I will be uploading photos soon! I have planned out my last few weeks until the Trip around southern Spain and Portugal. I will be going to the Feria de Cabellos this friday, then on Sunday I will be going to Malaga v. Sevilla soccer game in Malaga. The following weekend (18th) i will be heading to Granada to spend time with my host sister and some other exchange students. Then the next weekend they are coming to visit here! Exchange students are for sure the most fun kids in the world! We just like to have fun, and we do crazy things that normal kids just wouldn't do.

School is still school, but at least it isn't quite so bad anymore. I should be able to pass all of the classes that I need to, and am even able to do better than spanish students on some of the tests!

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