Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Alright so I have had a couple of days to adjust into the new home. Thoughts so far are still that I like it and will have a good time here. I am about a 15 minute drive from school, which doesnt seem too bad. Its a little worse here because I personally dont have access to a car. This family however is really nice and I am sure we will fit well. I am a little further from the beach but it is still within walkking distance. I am further away from all of my friends but Im sure I will be able to make more. I have a host brother now and that should also be good. It really shows me how much people here study, and I am impressed. Usually I dont study for school, as it is tough for me when I am not understanding, but instead I study Spanish. I figure the quicker I become better at Spanish, the easier school will be as well.
I also have internet now which I would say is a pretty fantastic thing. I should be able to keep this updated better now. It will also be easier to upload pictures. If there is anything specific you want to know more about feel free to let me know.

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