Monday, June 10, 2013


The year is for sure rapidly coming to an end. School is finally over (I am so excited to be done with that) and I am left with 6 days in Estepona. I leave tonight at midnight for my trip to Madrid and so on. I will be in Madrid until Friday and then we will go to Granada and the rest of the trip. I am glad that school is over, but it is weird to think i probably wont ever see most of my classmates ever again. Goodbyes with be hard and many, but in the end things will be alright.

I have really high hopes for this trip, and am extremely glad that I chose to go in the end. I have had a ton of fun throughout this year, and the most good and lasting memories have been made with other exchange students.

Today I think i am going to get a haircut. My host dad always jokes about how I never get any hair cut off and that he would be happy to give me a real haircut for free. I think I prefer my long hair to a free buzz. I will then take a bus for 7 hours and 21 minutes to Madrid. I hope to be able to sleep on the bus, but if not then I guess my lack of sleep for this trip will start early. I imagine when I get back I will sleep for a long long time. m

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