Saturday, October 27, 2012

Futbol. This stereyotype is definetly true. All the people here do is play  futbol. I have been improving a little but even the kids who seem like they wouldnt play are way better than me. Its a bit ridiculous and hurts inside a little bit. I am still having problems with Spanish which is to be expected, and yesterday I was told it is because I am in Andalusia which will make things even more difficult. There is a different language called Andalu which is also spoken here and makes it even harder to understand what is going on around me. Things will get better and I understand more and more everyday. I will try to update this more often its just a bit difficult to get around to it sometimes. Adios (ah-d-oh-th).

Friday, October 19, 2012

Its all good

     Today was a school day and that made it slightly less enjoyable than the rest of the week had been. Protests allowed us to be free from school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. In school I went through the usually routine of not understanding too much and not being able to read the letters that the teacher attempted to write on the board. Then when I went to my extra Spanish class the teacher informed me that I wasn´t going to have it anymore. I am not sure why, but I need the extra help in order to understand more and succede better in school. So that is rough and caused me to have a little bit longer day of not knowing what was going on. I am however able to understand most of what my host mom tries to say to me and am able to communicate back my needs and wants to her. I also recieved a package from my parents which was much needed in my day. I hope that I am able to shoot a dear next year (a buck though) and the meat made me desire this even more. It is the weekend now and that is good even though I didnt have very much school this week. I think my first full week will be next week and then in November we only have a single day off. That is ridiculous, I am actually going to have school.
     The littlest things can change your mood and sometimes it sucks when they do. Until  you have been an exchange student, you have never truly known and expierienced true independence, responsibility, struggle, and loneliness.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mom, I am doing my best to keep you updated and filled in on my life and times while in Spain. It has been a little difficult to do this, but I think that I am doing pretty well.
Here is my everday life,
First I wake up at around 7:00 and take a shower. Then I walk from the bathroom to my room and get dressed, I start with boxers and finish with socks.Then I eat a breakfast that usually consits of some type of cereal. Then I wash my bowl and go back to bed for around 10 min. After that nice relaxing time I ride the elevator down five floors and walk to the building next to mine. I then ring the bell for my friend Santy, we walk the 15-20 minutes to school everyday. I then draw or think all day while I am unable to understand much of what the teachers are saying to me. I then walk home and eat whatever Elena has made for me. If she is working she meets me outside with a sandwhich or some type of food, if not she makes a bigger meal such as spagetti or something. Then it is siesta time which is probably my favorite time of the day. After that I usually play futbol or do something with friends. I enjoy the people here and they are really nice but they dont feel like realy friends because I dont completely understand yet. After that I go home at 8:30 and eat dinner with Elena. Finally I watch tv until bed and then sleeeeeep.
Mom, This is a normal school day.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I am at least slightly fed up with not understanding even simple things that are going on around me! All I hear is sounds and all their words blend together and sound like ¨añlghñahgñlashñlgsañlgkh¨. 
In school now I guess I am starting an extra help situation where someone comes and teaches me Spanish, between that and the Rotary spanish course I think that I should be able to understand more soon. If I don´t know whats happening around me by Christmas then I think I am going to swim to Africa and continue my exchange speaking some tribal language.
That is all,

Monday, October 1, 2012

I would like to apologize to those who want to see photos. It is a difficult process and with limited time I only post them on facebook. That will change